PMU Sales neighborhood

Viladecans, Baix Llobregat

Viladecans, Baix Llobregat
Viladecans town hall
Finalization date
139.250 m²

The Sales neighborhood was born as a parceling project in 1923 as a separate neighborhood untied form the Viladecans urban center. Dues to its location in the outskirts, its lack of accessibility and its exclusion from the main urban structure, the neighborhood has suffered a noticeable degradation from the northern border towards the south. For years the neighborhood remained in a state of isolation, but in recent years the residential and industrial growth around Sales, such as the residential growths of Cal Calderón and Gabrielistes, the business park and the future plans for green areas and fairs, has stopped the degradation process. Therefore, its necessary to redact an Urban Improvement Plan in order to integrate and renew this neighborhood.

The neighborhoods structure is based on compact residential blocks with narrow sidewalks originated in the first urban plan. The special urban plan settles on a neighborhood wide solution that implements the renewal of fourteen urban blocks strategically placed in the neighborhood. Each block includes sidewalk and public space extensions, the inclusion of average sized commercial stores and the addition of parking spaces to prevent cars from invading the streets and prioritize human interaction.